CycleBeads To Save The World

Make it, wear it, be a message for yourself (nobody will be aware for you), for future generations (to be conceived as wanted child!), for the poor, for human rights and rights of women, for the Earth, peace, for your job, for democracy!
This bracelet is a simplified symbol of the CycleBeads with which relief organizations support impoverished women (who usually have never had the chance to go to school) in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Nearly a hundred million conceptions occur unintentionally every year, thus the human population is growing at the rate of 80 million per year on the Earth. We have overburdened the Earth with population explosions for a quarter of a century, which is the source of several problems like:
the worsening environmental crisis,
increasing poverty and unemployment,
increasing competition on the global labor market,
decline of our bargaining position and job movement,
depreciation of human life and human rights
food insecurity and water scarcity,
climate instability and pollution,
stream of refugees and epidemics,
the decline of representative democracy and everyday security,
violence and conflicts
and many other everyday problems.
Basic messages of the bracelet in Hungary:
1. Expression of solidarity with the hundreds of millions of women who lack education and rights and therefore do not even have access to such simple devices as the bracelets for family planning. One of the basic assumptions of reducing mother- and child mortality is the availibility of family planning possibilities and reproductive health care for everyone (5th Millenium Development Goal, UN)
2. Conscious responsibility for future generations and expression of avoiding accidental pregnancies. Each child has the right to have two prepared and mutually loving parents and to conceive as wished a responsibly planned baby. Hungary must fall into line with Europe and support the international family planning organizations (UNFPA, IPPF) and the emergence of the human right of family planning (ENSZ 1968).
3. Expression of responsibility for yourself because no one else will be aware for you. One must be vigilant in order to protect against unwanted pregnancies and diseases. Responsible and aware people who can take care of their partners are more successful in relationships.
4. The key issue of equal opportunities for women is their family planning competency and possibility. It is crucial to alleviate the already started after-peek-oil energy scarcity and slow down the explosive population growth because male strength dominates in energy scarcity circumstances.
5. The key issue of protecting workplaces is the ensuring of family planning possibilities globally which slow down population explosion and the increasingly harder competition on global labor market, slow down employer movingand the decline of our bargaining position effectively. Companies should join with those who are against exploiters of the cheaper workforce, in order to prevent accidental conceptions which depreciate human life. They should recognize this type of social responsibility as key to achieving a sustainable civilization.
6. Morals and religions must help life and protect against overpopulation which is the first deadly sin of mankind and leads to growing violence (Konrad Lorenz). Family planning possibilites help parents to have enough energy for disciplining children. Public safety, situations of schools, democracy as well as peaceful societies improve.
7. Hungary’s family planning options should be free at least on a social basis (just as in some other EU countries, Iran, etc.,) so that children are not conceived because of a lack of money for family planning. Reproductive health services must have priority in the public health system. „A wide range of information on the methods and accessibilities of contraception should be introduced. For the disadvantaged, free access to family life education should be ensured. (National Strategy for the Promotion of Social Equality of Women and Men 2010-2021)
8. Implement a high level and general family planning competence education into the Hungarian education system (including the training of teachers and a focus on informal education). This will help Hungary reach the European level in reducing the number of abortions, teenage pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases.
9. Support of family planning programs is the most cost-effective climate and environment protection strategy which should not be absent from the National Climate Protection Program and the National Sustainability Strategy of Hungary.
10. Media must fill its role without taboos in spreading family planning competence which is the most urgent exercise for humanity after rolling back mortality. Controlling mortality leads to catastrophe without birth-control (Albert Szent-Györgyi). “Mankind is reproductive terrifyingly! It leads to a thorax of pestilence” (Mihály Vörösmarty)
Szerzõ: Simonyi Gyula