How to make an ashtray with a can

Con esta excelente manualidad aprenderás hacer un cenicero con una lata la cual las personas tiran en el zafacón. No tienes que comprar nada, sólo debes de tener a mano, una lata con la cual se realizará la manualidad y una tijera. Hay un tipo de tijera que es profesional
para manualidades y además desmontable, osea, si eres del tipo de persona que realiza muchas manualidades, es recomendable que adquieras
una tijera de éstas. Sigue el siguiente video tutorial para que logres hacer un cenicero con una lata en pocos segundos.

With this excellent craft you will learn to make an ashtray with a can that people throw in the garbage can. You do not have to buy anything, you just have to have on hand, a can with which the craft will be done and a pair of scissors. There is a type of scissors that is professional
for crafts and also removable, that is, if you are the type of person who does many crafts, it is recommended that you acquire
one of these scissors. Follow the following video tutorial so you can make an ashtray with a can in a few seconds.