Melon Seed Necklaces – Organic jewelery

Tips for using melon seeds:
If you want to make a necklace or something else, scoop the seeds with a spoon and wash them in warm water with mild washing detergent to take off the slimy fibers. Then, let them sun/air dry. I usually put them onto a cotton napkin so they wouldn’t stick to it. It is great if the seeds are big because they are easier for manipulation.
Once dry I love to add a little colour. For my necklaces I used ordinary markers, (in the past I was more patient and used nail polish in different colours). I painted half of the seed because I like the effect they create when stringed together.
When piercing the seeds it is best if you do that in the middle. If you make a hole near the edges the seed might easily split.
After being painted, apply transparent nail polish on the colored parts so that the seeds don’t bleed due to body heat/sweat or just simply if you get caught in the rain with them 🙂
UPDATE (July 2019) Use acrylic paints instead of markers!!