Model : Cigarette Packet Dog


Anonymous on 15/12/2012 said:
My brother and I had a pair of these over 50 years ago. My father made them as occupational therapy while he was in hospital in Kent recovering from TB.

Some anecodotes form the Beamish site:

Anonymous on 15/12/2012 said:
My brother and I had a pair of these over 50 years ago. My father made them as occupational therapy while he was in hospital in Kent recovering from TB.

Model Dog;

Small model dog made out of Kensitas and Benson and Hedges (for the lining) cigarette packets. Made by Henry Ludkin pitman and ropeman of Kimblesworth in 1950s. The packets were cut into strips of various sizes depending on the size of the dog, he used a piece of wood as a template for the strips and a razor blade for cutting. He used to make them to sell in the pubs.

Kimblesworth, County: Tyne & Wear NEG86683