The Story of Microfibers

Most of us wear synthetic fabrics like polyester every day. Our dress shirts, yoga pants, fleeces, and even underwear are all increasingly made of synthetic materials — plastic, in fact. But these synthetic fabrics, from which 60% of all clothing on earth is made, have a big hidden problem: when they’re washed, they release tiny plastic bits — called microfibers — that flow down our drains, through water treatment plants, and out into our rivers, lakes and oceans by the billions.

The Story of Stuff project, USA


We have a problem with Stuff: we have too much of it, too much of it is toxic, and we don’t share it very well. But that’s not the way things have to be.

Founder Annie Leonard made an online documentary, The Story of Stuff in 2007, starting an honest conversation about our consumption-crazed culture. Since then 9 animated movies have encouraged viewers to support environmental projects and campaigns.

We invite you to be inspired by and share our movies, participate in our study programs, and take part in campaigns on the environmental and social issues you care about. Join us!

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