Category: Looping

Includes: Crochet, Hooking

Crochet: From French, diminutive of croc ‘hook’.

In which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle.


There are five main types of basic stitches:

  • Chain stitch – the most basic of all stitches and used to begin most projects.
  • Slip stitch – used to join chain stitch to form a ring.
  • Double crochet stitch (UK) Single crochet stitch (US) – easiest stitch to master.
  • Half treble stitch (UK) Half-double crochet stitch (US) – the ‘in-between’ stitch.
  • Treble stitch (UK) Double crochet stitch (US) – many uses for this unlimited use stitch.

The more advanced stitches are often combinations of these basic stitches, or are made by inserting the hook into the work in unusual locations.

More advanced stitches include the shell stitch, V stitch, spike stitch, Afghan stitch, butterfly stitch, popcorn stitch, cluster stitch, and crocodile stitch. Lovely names.


A technique used to form rugs by hooking into a strong coarse fabric back loops (as of yarn or strips of cloth) to form a surface pile.
