A Green Crafting Manifesto

Do you have a manifesto? I mean, do you have a clear, guiding philosophy through which you can mediate between your sometimes competing identities as an environmentally conscious person and as a person who thinks crafting up cool stuff is awesome?

I’ll tell you–a manifesto helps, because sometimes environmentalism and crafting don’t play well together without forethought. For instance, do you prefer wool felt, which comes from animals, or acrylic felt, which is synthetic? How big is that fabric/yarn/bead stash, all consisting of items you bought brand-new and are now just sitting on? Do you think it’s okay to craft with vinyl or not? It’s important to think through the environmental/ethical issues behind how you like to craft, so that whatever you do, you are working in harmony with your beliefs.Here’s my manifesto:

  • I create as an alternative to a mass-produced, consumer culture. Whenever possible, I do not buy–I make.
  • I create through a mindset of reducing wastefulness and honoring our culture’s material goods. Whenever possible, I use recycled materials and others’ discarded objects in my projects.
  • I create while remaining mindful of our current environmental needs. Whenever possible, I use materials that are non-toxic and have been ethically produced.
  • I create while being respectful of the time my partner and I spend earning our money. Whenever possible, I do not buy expensive crafting supplies.
  • I create in collaboration with my daughters, to teach them my values and share with them the joy and indepence in making. Whenever possible, I include my children in all my work.

I enjoy trying new projects and I get way too many Joann’s coupons, so my manifesto helps me work from my belief system without having to rethink my entire worldview every time I’m standing in front of a ceiling-high display of Fimo clay marked at 40%-off.

Crafting a Green World


Crafting a Green World is the home for green crafts.

We know that buying handmade or making things ourselves is more eco-friendly than shopping at big box stores, but how can we make sure that our green crafts are truly benefiting the planet? That’s what Crafting a Green World is all about!

From sustainable fabrics and ideas for creative reuse to eco-friendly art supplies and tutorials, we want to help you dive into green crafts by making them fun and accesible. We feature everything from tutorials and supplies to green crafters and book reviews. Crafting a Green World (CAGW) is your number one resource for organic, natural, and recycled crafty projects, products, media, and businesses.

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