Bottle it
How to distort, transcribe, transform the properties of a plastic bottle?
The idea was to demonstrate that an everyday object could actually hide potential. It’s simply to divert an object that becomes material to obtain a new status.
Bottle It from charlene guillaume on Vimeo.
After several experiments, I choose to establish a repertory with the possible links.
Plastic bottles are made of PET. I chose to explore this feature: its ability to shrink under the effect of heat.
As the retraction degree of PET is limited, a constraint quickly appeared: adapt the bottle’s diameter to the strip’s section (in order to have a solid connection).
The obtained linking elements are diverse: some are resistant to traction, other torsion or bending, on 1, 2 or 3 axes.
A selection has been established to develop some connections, and create objects to express their robustness.
Construction of a witness object to check and express the strength of connections:
The chair, a complex object in its realization by the multitude of forces acting on each link. In the aim of homogenize this construction, I have selected only one link. I tried to exhaust its possibilities and find out the perfect combination.
The result here is not the shape which results from the assembly of links, but the resistance of this chair.
So I plan to exhaust turns by turns the selected links, to develop and find variables for the construction of other witnesses objects.
Charlène Guillaume, France

Student studying industrial design at ENSCI-Les Ateliers : an industrial design school in Paris. 2015