Plastic Cap Trophies

How are the trophies made?

  • I gathered mostly yellow plastic caps. My favorite cap is the laundry cap in Becky’s trophy.
  • I piled them up in a way that looked like a trophy silhouette.
  • I drilled a hole through the bottom of each cap with my power drill.
  • I made handles for the trophies out of shopping bag handles. I cut these two the right length and tied a knot in one end, then thread them through more holes.
  • The handles form something like a “spine” for the trophies – much better than glue!!!
  • You pull the string as tight as you can without causing the caps to collapse and tie a sturdy knot.
  • For the labels, I cut type 5 plastic labels (yogurt style) with scissors.
  • I printed the labels on my printer.
  • I glued on the labels and clamped them on with clamps so they would dry in a curved position.

Trashmagination, US


Carla Brown hosts Trashmagination, a podcast about reimagining trash and the creative reuse of recycled materials.

A lot of the content focuses on what artists have made from recycled materials. I share their stories so widen our perspectives on what is possible. But I also share ideas for smaller projects many people can do without having any background in art.

I came up with the term “trashmagination” when I heard the quote “Trash is the failure of imagination,” from Aaron Kramer from Urban Objects. It summarizes my belief that we can solve a lot of challenges with imagination.

Main Research Source
What have we learnt?
  • Perhaps the best thing about these is the symbolism. Tropies represent a token or evidence of victory, valour, skill, achievement etc; a symbol of success that is used to impress others. That they are made from what is widely perceived as waste (having no value), turns that on its head.
  • It’s a great way to reuse gift bag handles, too!
  • Look for the right olours and you don’t need paint – clever