Silicone Paste Recipe

To all those who ask me what is this paste that surrounds some of my daily objects, those who seek to tinker, repair, increase and personalize their environment:

Here is an open source recipe from the original dough called Sugru .

The Sugru is a malleable silicone paste which allows you to modify and repair any object. Once dry, it is a superb insulator, shock absorber, flexible, gripping, waterproofing and resistant to low and high temperatures. In short, a multi-color all-purpose paste, moreover there is no shortage of examples of use.


There are two ways to get this paste. Buy it (13 € for 40g) directly on the site or create a derivative yourself. Here is the open source recipe for making a dough with fairly similar properties:

  • Translucent silicone (the one that smells of vinegar and which you can find in any DIY store to seal the sink joints)
  • Cornflour

Mix the two ingredients with a ratio of 50% -50% or 60% (silicone) – 40% (cornstarch) depending on the degree of elasticity chosen. Mix everything with a spatula. Once mixed, the mixture can be easily kneaded in the hands. If it is too sticky, add cornflour, and vice versa if it is too dry. To color the dough I use acrylic paint. To prevent the paste from sticking too much to your fingers, use dishwashing liquid. Depending on the dose of cornstarch (which reduces the drying time), the mixture takes 2 to 3 hours to start to have good hold.

The advantage of this paste is to be cheaper and allow it to be colored with any color. I think it is also possible to use it to make a mold, the degree of detail is quite good. Do not hesitate to widely disseminate this recipe or any improvement.

Thomas Thibault, France

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A designer, passionate about the influence and challenges of digital technology on individuals and society. Thanks to design, he realises projects that allow us to understand, question and improve our environments, transformed by the Internet and digital technologies.

He co-founded the Bam Collective in 2013: a collective of designers committed to the ecological transition and the digital revolution.

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