Weaving donuts and pattern pieces

Weaving donuts and creating 2D pattern pieces, which I thought would be easier than I thought if all the dimensions are kept the same. Everything is on a skew! Donuts made with windmill loop and strips. I like the strip method as it doesn’t need and sticky tape! The two larger ones are woven so that the squares are opposing.

#forces_in_translation @forces_in_translation #windmillloop #basketry #basketmaker #topology #wovendonut #surfaces #vertices #corners #wovenpaper #mathsandmaking

Mary Crabb, UK


Maker and tutor of objects – woven, constructed, stitched…..

At the beginning of 2020 she joined Forces in Translation, an inspiring group of people to work together to develop, explore and share their specialities in basketry, maths and anthropology.

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