Windmill Coconut leaf toy

Ages 4 upThis pattern appears to be a universal children’s toy easy and fun.

The key to working, is to clean the axel or top running rail of the spine so its smooth and spins cleanly.

Posted 3rd May 2009 by

Okka Wikka, Australia


Okka Wikka was established in 1980 as a contemporary weaving business. We teach & archive traditional natural fiber knowledge & connect to land and culture.

Among their many projects is the fantastic


 Online visual curriculum for cultural education using coconut leaf.

This natural fibre curriculum provides a visual self help teaching program designed from 40 years collaboration with cultural elders : the teaching of simple fibre folk craft.
“Hands On Maths” is an appropriate explanation for the geometric foundation patterns using natural fibres.
Hand skills are mastered in cutting, bending, folding, knotting, splicing, splitting, stripping, weaving.
These skills are suitable for 4 year old students up and all patterns are suitable for 8 year old up.
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