Collection: Climate superheroes

Google Image Search


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Main Research Source
What have we learnt?
  • The Eco Heroes PDF’s for children aged 5-9. More on facebook. Created by illustrator Dave Robinson and Preston Council’s Stephen Parkinson.
  • Promotion by Turntide Technologies to put forward business leaders, engineers, government officials and educators as Net Zero Action Heroes
  • The Planet League I included because it looked like they had fun – the team from Sustainable Hospitality each had a persona
  • NFU Farmvention Climate Super heroes don’t appear to have named characters, just pictures of superheroes
  • The Greenhouse Gases from Climate Kids NASA are short and sweet
  • The Powerpack hoped to be ready for 2020 for COP26 in Glasgow, UK. It didn’t raise the funds.


Other projects with a focus on kids making up their own superheroes:

  • The Atkins ‘Net Zero Superheroes‘ competition aims to encourage pupils to learn about Net Zero, at Engineering Net Zero


We asked our family visitors what they would do if they were Eco Superheroes. Find out what superpowers they’d love to have and how they would use them to solve climate issues.


  • The eco-superhero – first level – In this activity children will reflect on eco issues in their community and create a community superhero who promotes all these things. Education Scotland
    • What is the community eco problem?
    • What does the superhero do to solve it?
    • How do the community celebrate?


  • Meet Abhishek Shastri, an ecohero who emulates his real life superhero Mr. Eco to spread his message about keeping our planet clean and beautiful ! Make a Change World


  • UNICEF announces a worldwide contest for the best comic hero fighting with climate change!  Seeking to showcase the power of young people in protecting the planet. UNICEF Kyrgyzstan 2017


  • Climate Comic Contest A Workshop for the Class and Community UNICEF 2017 Globalgoals
    • This PDF is a complete toolkit – very thorough
    • Finalists here


  • Turn yourself into an Environmental Superhero! Decide on 3 things that you will do to help protect the planet then use your ideas to create your own superhero identity, complete with mask and cape! Wakefield Museums


  • Online Treasure Hunt for Environmental Superheroes Friends of the Earth Malta
    • Hap-pea Earth week: welcome!
    • Animal guide: draw your animal guide and keep it with you during the hunt…it will be useful!
    • Foody cards: pick the right cards of veggies and fruits that we have in April!
    • The bee-finger: create your personal bee and see which food is pollinated by it!
    • The intruders: can you distinguish between local and foreign food?
    • A matter of words: try to complete our word puzzles related to food, farming and nature!
    • Tongue-twisters get us crazy: it has never been so funny to talk about food and animals!
    • Sounds good: would you be a poet for one day? Complete the rhymes then!
    • Who am I?: if you are good at solving riddles, that’s the game for you!
    • Roots: connect each name to its definition as a root connects a plant to the ground!
    • The treasure: will you be able to recall all the clues and discover what the treasure is?
  • The Eco-heroes by Save Our World is a series of five books by Colette Barr. Aiming to engage children in environmental, social and cultural topics which are relevant to their everyday lives. They relate to many topics in school curriculum and address the United Nations Development Goals. The Eco-heroes are 5 friends living in Dubai, UAE. Sundos & Ahmed are Emirati, Finlay is Scottish, Maria is Indian and Rudi is South African. Together they represent the diversity of children growing up in the UAE Save Our World


  • Sustainability Superheroes is a project that provides K-12 educators the necessary tools to empower and teach students to use entrepreneurial thinking to find solutions to real-world current sustainability issues. Funded by Coca-Cola. The project is an initiative of The Stavros Center’s initiative and offers lesson plans, workshops and guest lectures from business and industry leaders. Sustainability Superheroes



General observations

Superheroes are an ideal theme for promotions and campaigns. As such they are are often short lived.

Such a lot of time energy and money go into creating campaigns (and a lot of the other work I am looking into). Wouldn’t it be great if people archived their work and offered it out to be reused – so that future campaigns can build upon it. What if campaigns could actually be designed from the beginning to be adapted and reused?

Some of these projects are gerneral ‘Eco’ ones rather than specifically focusing on Climate Change. There are other Superhero projects relating to Energy and Renewables but I haven’t included them here.
