How to Make Paper Tubes / Paper Weaving for Beginners

Today I am going to show you how and what we can use for making paper tubes.
You may use newspapers. For this cut the newspaper into three equal parts.
I have made strips width 7cm. You can do this using a kitchen knife.
Or a stationery knife as I do it on a special mat for cutting.
Set aside separately edge strips. You can make one-color tubes from them.
And the rest set aside separately too.
For rolling I use knitting needles of 2; 1,5; 1 mm.
For newspaper tubes I use the needle of 1,5 mm.

There are two ways of rolling tubes: aweigh (use only the needle and glue).
But the needle should be long.
I roll only office paper tubes by this method.
For newspaper tubes I use the second variant of rolling – on the table.
You will need a special anti-slip mat.
Take a strip. Put the needle on the bottom right corner as tight as possible.
Your right hand rolls up and the left one stretches the strip.
If you roll the tube in the table the needle should not be long.
I do not put it all over the paper strip but only on a half.
Everything us rolled perfectly and the needles is getting out easily.
When I learned how to twist the rubes on the table, I had a problem how to start.
I’ll show you closer.
I put a needle on a slight angle, smooth the tip with the nail, pinch the edge of the needle and roll up.
The tubes made on the table are straight and longer than the tubes made aweigh,
To make white tubes from newspaper you need strips with a white edge. And roll in this manner.
White tubes are obtained from the edge strips. And you may paint them into various colors.
I do not like to twist tubes from newspapers because your hands are dirty after it.
Instead of newspaper I use writing paper which you can buy of A4 and A3 size.
In quality and density it is exactly the same as newspaper. It is clean only.
Sometimes it can be that you cut strips and paper does not roll.
This may be due to the direction of the paper fibres. How to check them?
Take a sheet of paper and tear the edge, from this side it is not torn in a right way.
This side came off almost the entire length.
You need to cut into strips like this.
Cut the strips 7cm wide.
From the A4 paper I have three strips.
From the A3 paper I have six strips. I cut up to ten sheets of paper at once.
The strips from the writing paper are rolled up the same as the newspaper.
Do not smear spread glue surplus =on the tube surfaces.
Because this places will not remain clean after painting.
I use this PVA glue in a yellow tube and I like it.
This is the way of making white paper for weaving from writing paper.
A small tear occurs very often while rolling.
If you glue them this place will not be painted.
Leave it as it is.
Such defects are glued perfectly during dyeing and impregnation process.
You can make paper tubes from office paper.
The density of this paper is about 80 gr.
I made baskets from it. I took not new but used paper, printed on one side and clean on the other side.
I’ve already shown you how to roll tubes from this paper. So I will not stop on it. I divide paper into 4 or 6 pieces. Use 2 mm needle aweigh.
Another material for tubes are magazines. Cut strips with a white edge 5 cm wide.
Use the needle of 1 mm. Put the needle so that it enters the newspaper by 5 mm. So it is easy to put it out.
Everything is the same when rolling tubes from newspaper.
Such thin tubes from magazines are suitable for weaving small items: doll’s furniture, baskets and so on.
I wanted to throw away these magazine strips, but then I used them. I do not know what to do with them. I’ll just keep them. Here are such tubes from magazines.
I’d like to mention they are heavy. So paper tubes can be made from any paper. But not toilet.
Weave your baskets using everything you have at home.
And a little more about storage. I bind tubes of 200 pieces.
Office paper tubes can be stored vertically.
It is better to put them on the edge that is cut when weaving.
Tubes from newspapers, writing paper and magazines can be stored horizontally.
One more piece of advice. After rolling tubes they should lay not less than a week. Then when painting they will not get unstuck.



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What have we learnt?

I was interested in rolling newspaper after reading this account in David Mitchell’s The Public Paperfolding History Project.


A dear old lady of our acquaintance used to spend her time in making spills, after her sight had become too impaired for other work. In the morning she cut her slips of paper, and in the evening she made them into spills. The strips should be about ten inches long to half an inch wide. Newspapers are rather too apt to blacken the fingers but the white edges may be used, and old letters can always be saved for the purpose.

Source: Godey’s magazine. v.96-97 (1878). Hathi Trust
