Jewellery by Miriam Mitsuko Utsumi

Spool to make cat tail
Miriam Mitsuko Utsumi uses a variety of techniques to make her jewellery. I also include some projects which aren’t jewellery, but could be.
Cords are make using a Spool as above and are also used as handles of her bags.
Tiny flowers (see larger ones here) are made using heat treatment
Spirals made using heat treatment
Stars, I think they also use heat treatment.
Balls which I think are cut, not heat treated.
Utsumi, Brazil

Brasil-based designer Takashi Utsumi designed the PET bottles shredder (filetadore), and Brazilian designer Miriam Mitsuko Utsumi reuses PET bottles in the making of many craft pieces, as bags, pencil cases and folders.