The Fixer's Manifesto - by Sugru

Sugru made this to help fuel the conversation about why fixing is so important.

Here’s how they originally introduced it:

Fixing is the unsung hero of creativity. And it really shouldn’t be. It’s the most common, humble and beautiful form of creativity. Let’s wear that belief proudly. Let’s notice and celebrate these little everyday triumphs, and help others see their value. We made this to fuel the conversation about why a culture of fixing is so important.

If you like the manifesto – evolve it, improve it.

We spent ages on it, arguing over what was important and what wasn’t – crafting, editing and tweaking. But fixing is something people feel strongly about, so we’re pretty sure you won’t agree with all of it…

contribute improvements, fork the manifesto, or make stuff with it…

We hope the Fixer’s Manifesto will find its way to the fixers of the world… Where will it go next?

Version 2.0 from the makers of Sugru

1. If it’s broken, fix it!

Everyday practical problem-solving is a beautiful form of creativity, and just a little subversive.

2. If it’s not broken, improve it.

A tiny tweak can transform how something works for years to come.

3. And if it doesn’t exist, make it.

Everyone is inherently creative—even if we don’t think we are.

4. Give your stuff a longer life.

In a world that’s full of waste, every fix counts.

5. Disposability is a choice.

When we double the life of our things, we halve what goes to landfill.

6. Resist needless trends and upgrades.

Fixing frees us from the tyranny of the new.

7. Embrace the stuff we already have.

Let’s use our imagination to keep it, use it, love it, fix it.

8. A fixed thing is a beautiful thing.

Every fix tells a story.

9. Nurture curiosity.

Anything can be learned by doing.

10. Share your ideas.

With each fix, we build a global movement for positive change.

11. Fixing is good.

It’s good for us, and good for the planet. So, let’s make it a way of life.

Version 1.0 from the inventors of Sugru

1. If it’s broken, fix it!

Because everyday practical problem solving is the most beautiful form of creativity there is.

2. If it’s not broken, improve it.

A small, clever tweak can improve how something works for years to come.

3. Give your products a longer life.

If we double the life of our stuff, we halve what goes to landfill.

4. Fixing means freedom and independence.

As a fixer, you don’t need to worry about wear and tear. Nothing stays new, so forget perfection.

5. Resist trends and needless upgrades.

They fuel our throwaway culture.

6. Don’t let companies treat you as a passive consumer.

Every time we spend money, we vote for the kinds of products we want to see succeed. Buy products that can be repaired.

7. A fixed thing is a beautiful thing.

Every fix, whether skillful or improvised, holds a story.

8. If you have an idea, start small and make  it good.

If it’s right, it’ll grow from there.

9. Nuture your curiosity.

Keep trying things you’ve never tried before. It’s good for your brain and your soul. Don’t be afraid to fail – it makes success all the sweeter.

10. People are infinitely diverse. Products should be too.

Everything can be improved or customised.

11. Disposability is a choice, not a physical characteristic.

Plastics aren’t evil, but we’re using them wrong. Treat them with respect.

12. Share your ideas, your enthusiasm and your skills.

If you’ve found the joy of fixing, pass it on. It’s a gift for life.


Inspiration credits to the Platform 21’s repair manifesto, ifixit, Hoistee and the Cult of Done.

Download the posters

Get the Fixer’s Manifesto 1.0, Fixer’s Manifesto 2.0, or the illustrated version 2.0 by Animade.

Sugru, England


We’re FORMFORMFORM, a small but perfectly formed team of inventors, material scientists, designers, video makers, business and production people based in Hackney in East London. Sugru is our first product, and we’re growing quickly!

We’re on a mission to help the world get fixing and customising again. It’s not about ‘making do’ though – it’s much more than that. It’s about taking control and repairing, modifying and evolving the products we own so that they work longer, harder and better for us. Sure, it’s economical and sustainable, but most of all, it just makes sense.

(In 2018, FormFormForm was acquired by German adhesive company Tesa SE, a subsidiary of Beiersdorf.)

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