Recycled craft projects by Kathy Ciceri.
RESIDUALISM: *Creation from waste without generating more waste∗. A manifesto by Marta Sanmamed.
Article by Kay Bisaillon
An excerpt from The Best of Making Things – A Hand Book of Creative Discovery by Anne Sayre Wiseman.
As the manifesto says, “Your craft is your voice. Use it well.” So, go, use your craft well. And make your own manifesto if you see fit! A manifesto by Betsy Greer.
Craft as a powerful tool to create slow, quiet, thoughtful and compassionate activism as a catalyst for long term positive change in our world and in ourselves. A manifesto by Sarah Corbett.
Craft Education nurtures the 21st Century skills of collaboration, communication, creativity, problem solving and resilience
A Green Crafting Manifesto by Julie finn.
Makerbot cofounder Bre Pettis, now the man behind Bold Machines, explains how America became a nation of makers
Adam Savage’s Maker Faire 2014 speech. “Humans do two things that make us unique from all other animals; we use tools and we tell stories. And when you make something, you’re doing both at once.”
Article by Caleb Kraft