Category: Composite (two or more)

A composite material is the result of joining two or more materials with different physical or chemical properties. The materials exist in their individuals states, rather than being combined, for example when one material is dissolved into another. Concrete is the most common artificial composite material, a combination of stones and cement.

Examples of composite packaging you may have come across at home include:

  • Crisp tubes
  • Drink cartons
  • Coffee sachets
  • Crisp packets
Why stick two materials together in the first place?

Composite materials are designed to make the most of the best properties of two or more materials and can therefore make packaging stronger and improve the shelf life of the products contained within it. For example, a juice carton may be a combination of paper (75 percent), plastic (20 per cent) and aluminium foil (5 per cent), to protect the contents from oxygen, light and moisture.
