Category: Windmill Loop weave

Also Known As: Loop netting, Pinwheel, Star weave/Stjerneflet, Squaremill, Weaving with loops. Unit weaving, O-knitting. Planar net

An extremely versatile weave that is easy to learn and has loads of variations. The Standard Windmill Loop weave uses a basic 1:4 ratio.

Use it with anything that can be cut into loops; Tetra Pak cartons, Bicycle inner tubes, Cardboard tubes, Plastic wrappers and more.

Variations include: 8:1 ratio Windmill Loop weave, 3-way Windmill Loop weave, Reverse (closed) Windmill Loop weave, Windmill Folded Link weave and Windmill Folded Stapled weave. Explore and have fun!

To navigate this topic:

Technique > Interlocking > Windmill Loop Weave
